Thursday, December 4, 2008

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

How should a Christian respond to "Happy Holidays". Should we respond with Merry Christmas and remind them the "reason for the season" that unto us this day a Saviour is born and He is Jesus Christ the Lord?

Do we boycott retailers that remove Christmas from their stores completely? Groups such as Focus on the Family, Liberty Counsel and the American Family Institute create lists of retailers that support or market Christmas, "Good" or "Nice" and those that have no mention of Christmas, "Bad" or "Naughty".

Some of the "Nice" retailers that mention Christmas in stores or in advertising are; Best Buy, Cabellas, JC Pennys, Kohls, Menards.

Some on the "Naughty" list that refuse to mention Christmas; Circuit City, Costco, Disney, Gap, Nordstrom.

The complete list can be seen here;

Should we even care if these Non-Christian companies try and appease us by saying "Merry Christmas"? After all, aren't they just greedy and after the all mighty dollar?

Please post your thoughts.

Here is short song by a Christian Band that sums up their beliefs.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Are you ready?

I just watched this video. Very powerful and portrays
a biblical event that will one day be reality.

You don't want to be left behind. Are you certain you will be raptured?

Take the GOOD PERSON TEST to find out.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Are you saved?

If you were to die suddenly this evening, are you 100% sure that you will go to heaven?

If you are not 100% certain,

please take the GOOD PERSON TEST


If you do understand that we are all wretched, vile creatures that deserve eternity in hell, but have been saved solely by the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, what have you been doing since your conversion. For He has granted us the gifts of repentance and faith and commands us to share the Gospel.

Well here is an encouraging interview for you to listen to. I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think. It is from a Way of the Master Radio program and they are talking with Mark Cahill.

The audio is below in three parts.

Mark Cahill Interview Part 1 of 3

Mark Cahill Interview Part 2 or 3

Mark Cahill Interview Part 3 of 3

God Bless,
Galatians 2:20

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Hello and welcome to my blog.

I hope you find the information here at Lost and Found helpful to your walk with Jesus Christ.

Thank you and God Bless,
Galatians 2:20

Paul Washer Project

Creation Museum

Nick Vujicic's Testimony

The Watchmaker




