Monday, January 19, 2009

Inaugural Prayer

Well tomorrow is Inauguration Day and Barack Obama is going to be sworn in as the 44th President. I'm sure most of you know (unless you are hiding under a rock somewhere) that Rick Warren will be giving the inaugural prayer. Here is a video clip from Todd Friel's Wretched TV show talking about some suggestions for the prayer. I guess we will have to wait and see how watered-down and universal, Mr Warren's prayer will be. I'll keep you posted. Enjoy the video.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

For God So Loved the World...

How does a person confess that they have been saved by Jesus Christ and then live a life contrary to His teaching? Not only did Jesus suffer extreme torture and Crucifixion but he drank the cup of wrath that the Father poured out on His Son instead of on us. The Just for the unjust (1Peter 3:18). We are guilty and Jesus paid our fine so that we can be forgiven.

As you watch this short video please understand Jesus didn't sweat blood in the garden (Luke 22:44) because of the thought of the horrible, unspeakable torture and Crucifixion that he would face but because He would be facing the wrath of His Father who wouldn't be able to look at Him because He would take our sins upon Himself. I hope this encourages you to ponder Christ's love for us and what He truly endured on our behalf.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Paul Washer Project

Creation Museum

Nick Vujicic's Testimony

The Watchmaker




